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Good Food and Diet

There is a place for coffee, cake, hamburgers, alfalfa sprouts, muesli and chocolate in our diet they only become a problem when inappropriately consumed. Any food can become a health hazard when eaten to excess.

Bad foods are only bad because they are either eaten to excess or at an inappropriate time. There is no such thing as a set balanced diet for all of us. For each person there is an individual amount of nutrient each of us need to function at optimum levels which is different for each of us. We need to individualism nutrition. People are now becoming more aware of what they should eat and should not eat largely from a lot of half truths banded about by large food manufacturers trying to convince you that their product is \'natural\’ or make you like the beautiful people in their advertisement. Every day it seems a new book is written on nutrition. The Raw Food Diet, The Vegetarian Diet, The low Cholesterol Diet, The High Fibre Diet, The Israeli Army Diet, all setting out generalized complicated ways we should all eat. These regimens are often so complicated I feel the only people who understands them are the ones who wrote the book! We are human not machines living up to an ideal. Be sure and look for the experience and qualifications of authors and then test the information for your self. Don\’t treat information as gospel just because it\’s written in a book.

A good Naturopath will take into account the sum total of an individual\’s loadings and give some guide lines for the person to follow in food selection to bring the body more into balance. Then we can start to red-educate our taste buds to more accurately discern and tell us what we need to eat and when. Our body\’s are already giving us messages as to what we need to eat. To develop the capacity to listen to our taste buds we need to uncover the things we attach to the simple act of taking nourishment on board. We need to separate food and the reasons for eating; Laziness, can\’t be bothered to prepare appropriate food and eat what ever is easiest. Habitual eating of particular foods over many years, the young who eat junk foods due to peer pressure. Manufacturers preparing food in whatever way that will keep costs down and profits up. Eating food as a self reward food you have to be good far to deserve. Eating to make you feel and look better and have more friends if you eat. Treating yourself to luxury foods if you feel depressed or bored and then feeling guilty about it. In all the above situation and in many others our choice of foods is inspired by imbalance. If you eat something which you think you shouldn\’t have, at least enjoy it. It will be a lot easier for your system to digest food if guilt is not being digested with it! When we are able to listen to our taste we will be in a better position to select foods which make up the true individualized balanced diet for ourselves.

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